Dead Rabbit 25mm RTA

  • $20.00
  • Ex Tax: $20.00
  • Product Code: M00000413
  • Availability: In Stock

The Dead Rabbit 25mm RTA* is another collaboration with Heathen made by Hellvape. It is comprised of a four terminal postless build deck with drop feature, allowing vape coils to be trimmed after installation and can accommodate single of duel coil set up. It come with a standard 2ml vape juice capacity with the option of a 4.5ml bubble glass vape tank. Included are two 810 drip tips one bright resin and a plain resin and a 510 drip tip adapter. It also features an adjustable top, side diagonal airflow to minimise leakage and maximise flavor.

Overall, the Dead Rabbit RTA is a smooth, flavourful punch with a big character and is definitely up there with the top RTAs!

Fun fact: The name Dead Rabbit hails from a Irish American NY street gang in the 1850’s (The Dead Rabbit’s).

The Dead Rabbit 25mm RTA Kit Spec:

25mm RTA
Unique ‘Rabbit Ear’ design
Ample build space and generous post holes
Slide in top coil deck takes the guesswork out of pre-cutting your coil leads
Adjustable top side diagonal airflow with a focus on flavor and to minimize leakage
Single or dual coil configurations
Gold plated positive post for better conductivity
Knurled grip to remove top cap ad refill with ease
Post screws fasten to the flat side of the coil lead to preserve your build
2ml or 4.5ml juice capacity with optional bubble tank
Two 810 drip tip options including a colorful resin tip and a white/black resin tip and a 510 adapter
Slotted or hex head post screw options
Protruding 510 pin and peek insulation

The Dead Rabbit 25mm RTA Kit Contains:
1 x 25mm Dead Rabbit RTA
1 x Resin Black/white 810 Drip Tip
1 x Stainless Steel 510 Adapter
1 x 4.5ml Tank Glass
1 x Accessories Bag
1 x Dead Rabbit Sticker
1 x Instruction Manual
RTA: An RTA (Rebuildable Tank Atomizer) is a rebuildable coil tank, but with one major difference from an RDA being that the coil and deck are contained in a bell system which separates it from the vape juice in the tank. The juice is fed into the coil chamber via vacuum pressure and travels up the wick in a capillary system to feed the coil when it’s in use.

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